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Engines overload

10.3k MethaManAerospace  7.0 years ago

Is there a way to change the acceleration of an engine from the default? I know that I can change the power of the engine but the acceleration is very unrealistic...
Any advice?

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    10.5k MacgravelLTD

    I'm late but can u change the note/sound of the turbojet engines?

    3.3 years ago
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    @JumpingJack no the texture

    4.2 years ago
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    3,722 JumpingJack

    @Weaverfish what do you mean by eshaust is scaled? like engine sound/note/pitch?

    4.2 years ago
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    @kerothehero thanks?

    7.0 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    @MethaManAircraft @Weaverfish
    Never mind as you guys already solved that.
    I do require a car engine with 2,000 hp and max speed of aroun 20kph, and two others rated at say, 200 hp with max speed of 20kph

    7.0 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    Are there? I only know the power in %, but that is the only thing I knows.

    7.0 years ago
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    5,449 CDRxavier

    I will quite agree with that. NONE of the existing engines of any kind accelerates correctly. ALL of them accelerates linearly, except the turbofan and turbojet which packs a bigger punch once the pressure build up.
    I also met the problem when trying to make an aircraft tower-the ground vehicle used to tow planes that have like 2,000 horse power and immense acceleration but with top speed of 20kph
    AND the same problem with my FLAK BUS, or Pz SFl IVc tank destroyer.

    7.0 years ago
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    @Weaverfish maybe works better on props?

    7.0 years ago
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    39.1k Weaverfish

    @MethaManAircraft seems like setting max 4 multiplier 0.25 gets same speed at a much slower acceleration. The problem is the fuel is being used up at 4x rate. Also exhaust is scaled 4x length. Great trick though.

    7.0 years ago
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    @Weaverfish We all learn some thing new everyday!

    7.0 years ago
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    39.1k Weaverfish

    @Flightsonic This is new to me, default is Max = 1? Gonna test it out.

    7.0 years ago
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    @Weaverfish thanks! @Flightsonic I had thought of that but didn't actually try it out. Thanks for the confirmation, mystery solved!

    7.0 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Changing "max" can achieve different spool up times, I don't know if that could be applied to acceleration so well. Ex: max=2 and powerMultiplier=0.5 makes an engine with the same overall thrust but twice the spool up time

    7.0 years ago
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    39.1k Weaverfish

    @MethaManAircraft The only editing you can do is change the power %. there are some tricks you can do to edit acceleration to be faster, but not slower.

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    69.4k Chancey21

    Nope I can’t mod...

    7.0 years ago