Ok so we all know the Gimli Glider EpicPigster1 made some time ago right? If you don't then here. Ok so I read on that trump jet (plz this is a plane site not TRUMRUMPRUMPRUMPRUMPRUMPRUMP.com) that the Gimli Glider had the power to write comments and upvote removed after some argument so the mods removed it. So I upvoted the plane(122 upvotes right now),and then once I upvote,it says 123 upvote,but I can upvote again. Once you do that it still says the same amount of upvotes but you can keep pressing the upvote button and the screen will just reset. The same goes got comments too. Comment,but once you comment,the comment gets erased. So see the power of wat the mods can do? Ok now have fun and be safe out there kids! "ok dad!"
@Macchiato4Lyfe Jesus Christ I made this 4 years ago when I was stupid as hell, what are you doin’ around these parts
Interesting...... very interesting...
@Razor3278 me 2,but I no smart
Im confus, halp
I can do it to
I upvoted it...