Hey guy’s, so for awhile i’ve been working in this discord Roleplay that’s actually been around for awhile and thought some of you might be interested in joining up.
Around the year 2018, the world came to a end, a mysterious virus spread across the planet, re-animating the dead. The handful of world population that did survive now either live in walled off settlements, live off the land, or work for one of the few factions that emerged after the end of it all. With us stuck in the middle of it all, just trying to survive that’s left of the world. As a shadow war rages on, humanity suffers and continues to revert back to it’s tribalistic nature. Some factions even went as far as do some grotesque human modification, turning the humans who underwent these experiments into monsters and creatures of unimaginable horror. The question is, how far will you break in this world of zombies, monsters, and unlimited suffering?
If you’re intrested in joining, then click here
(I understand this is very off topic but so people feel better, here’s a picure of a cat)
Yeah no