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I have a Challenge for all those inventive builders!!

21 Wanderville  7.1 years ago

Hi builders. Ive been playing SP for a few years and i love it. since I've discovered Maywar Island, I've been flying around and exploring. I found the location "Ramp It Up" and i chose it. When i spawned in I realized i couldn't really get out and over the wall in the little bugger car. I tried building my own rocket car and ....... it didn't go well. so I'm challenging you creative builders to make a car/plane combo that can get me out of the walls of "ramp it up" without damage. Also heres a twist, the only engines you can use are car engines, so you have to be inventive. and try to make it...... not as ugly as you can. Just build your car/plane, test it, upload it, and post the link on here. Thanks!!!!!!