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56.2k AviownCorp  7.2 years ago

Watching the responses to my uploaded planes I have decided to quit uploading planes. I am sorry I couldn't make the planes of your choice my dear users, even after trying too hard. I am tired of disappointment. I will become online and give response to your builds and if you want my help then I will surely try to help you as much as I can. Those who are following me are free to unfollow me after reading this post. It is my request that please don't upvote this post. No grudges no regrets

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    56.2k AviownCorp

    @kansaspilot thank you so much!😃

    6.9 years ago
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    Your planes are great

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    56.2k AviownCorp

    @Racrandall 도와주셔서 감사합니다

    7.1 years ago
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    Well, this is your second time going out of business, I have some tips for you, if they even help.
    1. Originality and Commonness
    Before you went out, I you were uploading tons of planes every week of a month.
    If you want to satisfy people, you need to dedicate your heart and soul into a plane. The quality of a plane matters, not the upload rate of the user. If you keep uploading planes at the rate before you went out, you would have little to no originality. Just look at the featured planes on the website, they have lots of originality.
    2. Publicity
    Good planes=A high rating.
    Try to avoid advertising, it'll only make things worse. Instead, use planes to get fame and fortune, good planes.
    3. (This is the final tip) Commonness.
    I've seen modern planes take over the site before. The WW1 and WW2 sections are dead. Even though they are dead, you should make planes for those categories. Commonness and originality combined do no mean something good. Trust me, just one plane could help.
    These are just tips, I'm not trying to be offensive.
    Your build quality is great, but it could be better if you take my tips (if they seem useful to you).
    I hope I'm still useful and helpful to the community, I may be best at roleplaying.
    If you want to contact me, contact me on discord. My User+Number is Kim Jong Oof (insert hash here) 6633. Welp, I may be leaving as well. I find the lack of hype and updates for me incredibly effective on the games I play, although I may get back in the plane making business.
    I'll just go now, this is a long enough post.

    7.1 years ago
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    56.2k AviownCorp

    @Awsomur I am in very much doubt

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Perhaps you just need time to rest and get some inspiration. Your recent builds are by no means bad, but they’re uninspired. I have no doubt we will see more from you, someday.

    7.2 years ago
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    56.2k AviownCorp

    @Awsomur just see the downloads of those builds and you will realize

    7.2 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Your astounding builds will be sorely missed, but I respect your decision.

    7.2 years ago