Spiritus Raptor, Walrus Aircraft, Feanor, and... Anybody else?
He’s inactive, but he was big even 2 or so years back.
What about hypnotoad
@JakeTheDogg yeps. that was a very old plane
That’s probably a dev@JakeTheDogg
Andrew garrison obviously, he’s the first dev.
Hellfirekoder by far
HellFireKoder is the oldest. And the newest Dev.
No ESRIOT2112 said they were 52
They are the legend
Joined 3.0 years ago
Rohan, 2411181496
He’s inactive, but he was big even 2 or so years back.
What about hypnotoad
@JakeTheDogg yeps. that was a very old plane
That’s probably a dev@JakeTheDogg
Andrew garrison obviously, he’s the first dev.
Hellfirekoder by far
HellFireKoder is the oldest. And the newest Dev.
No ESRIOT2112 said they were 52
They are the legend
Joined 3.0 years ago
Rohan, 2411181496