i noticed that in some animes the j7w1 shiden has a seaguls kink and swept wings (the sky crawlers sanka m-b or in the princess and the pilot). my question is: was there ever a plan out there to build a j7 this way or is this just old fiction with one of the best ways to let a plane look very good.
@ThePrototype @ThePrototype that is all what i was able to find. but when you look at the sanka m-b from the sky crawlers you can see it has swept wings and a seagull kink and bigger vertical stabilizers. in one of the battle scenes in the princess and the pilot is a shinden with the same design. my question is: was there ever a plan to build tha sinden this way?
There was 1 J7W1 built, and there where plans to eventually replace the prop engine with a jet engine