I don't know if snowflake deleted his account or banned for no reason,, In few months ago, saturn28 had an issue with thelatentimage and deleted his account for some reason, After saturn28 deleted his account, saturn28 create a new account as snowflake, snowflake was an awesome user being nice to me, And then, snowflake was gone in few months ago, I don't know why some users deleting their accounts.
Can anybody know why snowflake was gone?
@Helicopterboy Ok
@Helicopterboy Your post?
@Helicopterboy Lol
@Helicopterboy He was your friend?
@Helicopterboy XD
@Helicopterboy So it's you.
@Helicopterboy What is your username before you deleted your account?
@DarthAbhinav Lol
@DarthAbhinav Ecks dee.
@DarthAbhinav Lol wut?
@Helicopterboy Um did you deleted your account in few months ago?
@Jetpackturtle Ok lol
@sexylips35 wut
XD I can't handle this memey stuff
@Jetpackturtle Kewl, Kool, And quool means cool ecks dee.
@sexylips35 Yup.
Just a kewl (read: clueless) person's way to say it
@Jetpackturtle I don't know what's ecks dee mean, I search for ecks dee and it means "XD"
@sexylips35 ecks dee
@Jetpackturtle Lol XD
@RailfanEthan XD
if he got banned
and made another account
then he got banned for evading a ban