I wanna make something new, but I'm out of ideas for good ships to replicate.
I have a plan to do the Discovery in the future but I need to figure out how to make the saucer, atm it is off the table. Any other suggestions?
Build suggestions?
3,753 Ezri
7.1 years ago
Heart of gold from HHTTG (tv series)
Kerbango i did a romulan bird of prey a while back. I doubt i count really improve on the design
It’s an awesome ship.
@Awsomur yes. this image is exactly what was in my mind when I was thinking of it.
This one.
D’Deridex class?
Yes I'd really like to see a Romulan bird-of-prey. You know the big one.
Actually, look at this image instead. It’s larger.
@Awsomur Oh, I thought as in a sea ship lol
Take a look at this picture and think about making some of the designs.
A new Star Trek show that, in my own personal opinion, is terrible.