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How to install Unity to develop Mods for SimplePlanes

316k mikoyanster  7.1 years ago

Dear friends. This article is for all those interested in the development of Mods for SimplePlanes. Excuse me if my English is not very good, I accept corrections to improve your understanding.

Some interesting resources before you start
- Comment and write with Markdown Formatting test/explanations
- SimplePlanes Modding

Some interesting resources related to Aircraft XML Mod
- XML Properties
- XML Eternal tips

1. Installation

The installation of all the software can become complex if the versions and keys are not known to ensure a correct installation. Even functions like the creation of Mods for Android may not work correctly. Therefore, I recommend following the steps below and installing the indicated versions.

Installation process

Unity 5.3.6f1 installation
- No problem was detected in the installation. Download first and install normally.

Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
- No problem was detected in the installation. Download in second place and install normally.

Java SE Development Kit 8u151
- Download third and install the version for Windows x86 jdk-8u151-windows-i586.exe (later versions I can not ensure that work correctly).
- The Java version will install both JRE, as JDK, both may be necessary for the proper functioning of Unity (especially to generate the Mods for Android).

Android SDK 3.0.1
- Probably the most complicated program to install. Actually they are two programs.
- The file "android-studio-ide-171.4443003-windows.exe" or similar will be downloaded.
- When installing, it will install "Android Studio". This component can be installed in the default location, for example **C:/Program Files/Android**, but it can be any other.
- However, during the installation process, the "SDK" installation option appears. Here it is very important to indicate the correct installation path, which should be **C:/SDK**. The folder must be created if it does not exist.

Configuration of system environment variables

Now you have to fix the system environment variables. These are very important to ensure the proper functioning of JAVA and SDK, in order to create Mods for Android. (Believe me, when you make your Mods a lot of people will ask you for an Android version).

To access the environment variables of the system (if you use Windows) you must access Control Panel => System => Advanced System Configuration => Environment Variables

Environment Variables
*Ilustrative image

Check if you have created the following environment variables. If not, you will have to create them. Verify that the paths are correct. If you follow all the steps, they should be the same or very similar to the ones indicated here.

User variables

  • Variable = android-sdk | Value = C:\SDK
  • Variable = JAVAHOME | Value = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0151
  • Variable = Path | Value = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_151

System variables

  • Variable = Path | Value = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_151

Note In some cases, a variable can be created with several values. It is not a problem, a new row will be added to the list of values of that variable.

Configuration of Unity variables

In order for the Unity software be able to create Mods for Android, one more step must be completed. You need to configure Unity variables. Take a look at the following image.

Open Unity and access the following menu Edit => Preferences => External Tools You will see a section that contains the SDK and JDK fields for android.

Configuration of Unity variables
*Real installation (my installation)

Add the following values for the SDK and JDK paths

SDK path

  • **C:/SDK**

JDK path

  • **C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_151**

After completing this step, it is recommended to save all changes, close all applications and restart the computer ... and congratulation's! Now you have everything installed. Now you can start creating your Mods.

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    @ThePilotDude if only for pc, its enought with Unity. If you want export to Android, requiere all components of this tutorial

    6.2 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    What of mac?

    7.0 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    @mikoyanster all i want to know is how to make terrain bigger... can you just tell me that so i don't have to wait?!

    7.1 years ago
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    @goboygo1 yes i´m working in this post

    7.1 years ago
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    @WalrusAircraft Java SE Development Kit 8u151 works ok for me

    7.1 years ago
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    I had a lot of problems with later versions of the JDK, so using the right version up front is key to success for Android mod creation.

    7.1 years ago
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    28.4k goboygo1

    can you tell me how to make terrain bigger?

    7.1 years ago
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    @AtlasSP i don´t know... i think it´s very tight

    7.1 years ago
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    18.0k AtlasSP

    with 2GB ram can i do mods?

    7.1 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @mikoyanster oh. I've got a cappy processor in mine that runs at near max capacity when I run chrome, but I have 4gb of ram, so idk. Once I figure out how to make steam accept my credit card, I'm gonna buy the game lol

    7.1 years ago
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    @DemonSniper8 if you can run Unity in PC it´s probably that Simpleplane works fine...

    7.1 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @mikoyanster I have it on android, but my pc probably isn't powerful enough for sp.

    7.1 years ago
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    @DemonSniper8 You need SimplePlanes to test if your mods work...

    7.1 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    Can I make mods on a computer without sp installed? (Blind modding)

    7.1 years ago