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A look back at my time on SP:

13.6k PyrusEnderhunter  7.1 years ago

Ive been on this site for over a year. I would just like to say that so far, I've been having an absolute whale of a time. I was first introduced to this game by my friend 503rdAirborneSoldier. At the time, he was part of the bronze sector of this community. My first account was actually named ISFOS, but I made it on a school iPad, which had more restrictions than the Kim Jun Un regime. So I then made the account of which is used to this day.

My first original build, the weapon known as the ARC-48 (The E-56 is NOT original, as I was a noob and didn't know jack-squat about how to build), was on windows. Turns out, looking back at it now, I did a cruddy job (I couldn't care less at the time, I was to busy getting those PRECIOUS 100 DOWNLOADS on my other builds). After a couple more attempts at making a build that would reach such a goal, I found other builders, such as Pilotmario, YuukaNeko, PINK, BogdanX (who I was slightly spooked of for whatever reason), DankDorito, SpiritusRaptor (of course, who doesn't know of that king of SP on the SP SITE), etc.

What I also found was that my simple-planes application on windows, which I had relied upon to build large creations, had suddenly lost its ability to GO ON-LINE.

I soon resorted to the IOS platform, using the very same device that I've used over the years, to create almost everything. I would meet users like Ephwurd, who I would RP with, as well as join the C&C RP, an RP that, at the time, was incredibly fun and fair.

From there, I would create builds, mostly original but once in a while a successor of another creation, whether it be another plane, gun, or weird glitch that would defy all the known laws of nature.

I would start to get larger amounts of attention at around the same time of the creation of my tank, the A-103. This creation booster me to 25 followers, something I considered a great achievement at the time.

As I continued to improve, I got to gold. This marked the end of a couple of times. My time as a silver, and the continuous use of the black and purple color-scheme. The use of this scheme declined, as I began to make more-and-more closer to realistic builds, like the highly successful ALEK series (excluding the ALEK-23, that gun is trash), amongst two other ship builds.

To the community at this time, I've taken a long break. But in reality, I had begun work on a new tank, the A-103 MKII (here is the first prototype: ).

My hope for this vehicle was that I would get this tank 30 upvotes, and possibly even a feature. To my surprise, it got 27 upvotes (and not even 100 downloads).

This would actually mark the end of yet two other times: the usage of the A-103 for future builds, and the marking of an IOS peasant. Because soon after the release of this tank, the overhaul, update 1.7, had come, and with it, the fine tuning tool for IOS. This was a game-changer for me. No longer did I need to scavenge for sloped and scaled parts that fit my design (thank you Realluochen9999, for a sloped block from one of your helicopters had been the main foundation for my sloped armor on my A-103 MKII), and no longer did I need to rage, as I would carefully try to nudge parts, and then crash.

With this update, I could finally build whatever I wanted—and so I did. Soon after the release, I had built the SAH-A6 "Crocodile" Attack Gunship. The helicopter was a great success, along with my 10K celebration, the ALEK-100 Plasma Rifle.

At this time, I had gotten the attention of quite a few people. It was also at this time that I joined multiple SP discord servers (one being led by Dllama4). I also had left the C&C RP, after it had lost its fun aspect to it.

Approaching the present time, I began my biggest project yet, the T/A-130 "Arbiter" MBT. I must say that it was quite an endeavor, and I couldn't have done it without the wonderful SpiritusRaptor, who made me those custom tracks, and the very friendly Sauce (aka Sos), with his sweet XML'd paint job.

It would all pay off, as I not only broke the 40 upvotes barrier, but also got the thing featured. The tank is my most successful build to date.

To conclude, now we are at the present time. I would like to thank the SP community as a whole for getting me this far. I hope that we can get even farther, because I am currently remastering my entire ARC-Series, and am making a new bunch of vehicles for you, the community to enjoy, and take down that stupid convoy with!

Have a great day!


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    @TheBroadside Sure! That’s what I was thinking. Either 5.7 or 9mm

    7.1 years ago
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    Bull pup SMG? 5.7 SMG would be cool @PyrusEnderhunter

    7.1 years ago
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    SMG. Perhaps a bull-pup? @TheBroadside

    7.1 years ago
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    Imma think of an idea and we can do it, im thinking of a modern M1 Grand perhaps, or a an SMG @PyrusEnderhunter

    7.1 years ago
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    @TheBroadside mah dude. How bout that gun collab?

    7.1 years ago
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    Alrighty! @Ephwurd

    7.1 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @PyrusEnderhunter the humans/Continuum w/ the help of ISFOS. I'll leave it to you to write the chapter.

    7.1 years ago
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    Alright. Who won? @Ephwurd

    7.1 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    @PyrusEnderhunter The end of the First Tor War. I haven't done a proper ending to it

    7.1 years ago
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    @Ephwurd indeed. Where shall we begin?

    7.1 years ago
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    @Maxwell1 thank you :)

    7.1 years ago
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    53.5k Ephwurd

    I think we should breath some life back to our Continuum/ISFOS RP, we're waaay behind chapterwise @PyrusEnderHunter

    7.1 years ago
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    4,244 Maxwell1

    I feel happy for you man. Thumbs up! @PyrusEnderhunter

    7.1 years ago
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    @Stellarlabs I see.

    7.1 years ago
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    Rip @Maxwell1

    7.1 years ago
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    4,244 Maxwell1

    Well you’ve had a much better time then me.

    7.1 years ago
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    36.3k DbE

    I’ve been looking back a bit too. Just seeing how far I’ve come in such a little time.

    7.1 years ago