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Battle of Plenare: Part 2 (Navy)

53.5k Ephwurd  7.2 years ago

"Enemy cruisers have launched biotorpedoes! Activating countermeasures!"

I said as I activated the point-defense lasers. While it repelled most of the torpedoes, a few got through. The Tor biotorpedoes had the ability to pass through our shields by negating it with a counterflux, and instead of detonating, it corrodes armor, and it's not a pretty thing.

The torpedoes were focused on the bow of our ship where our torpedo tubes are located, and the impact melted off the openings.

"Captain we can't launch torpedoes!"

"Then load the secondary missiles! We need to take out those escorts. Launch bays, deploy all squadrons!"

The fighters and bombers flew off, immediately engaging the Tor starfighters that have been engaging the smaller frigates. Our bombers were quick too, already having taken out a cruiser with a salvo of fusion torpedoes. I tapped in the launch codes for the missiles, and I watched the swarm of missiles launch from their silos and completely obliterate the last cruiser.

"General Pong, it's your time to shine!", our captain addressed the Sentian.

"With pleasure, Commander Halgart", the Sentian replied as a massive dreadnought appeared in the distance.

"Fleet Admiral Kasten, we have you surrounded. You have nowhere to go, and your escorts are destroyed. Your ground forces are also taking a hell of a beating, so I suggest you surrender, or we'll shoot the living hell out of you." our captain addresses the kingship.

"We Tors don't surrender. We fight to the death. And I'll make sure that before I die, you're all going with me!"

"Sir I am getting abnormal readings from the kingship! I am seeing multiple panels opening up- they're torpedo tubes!"

"All ships raise your shields!"

It happened too quickly. One moment the kingship was opening its torpedo tubes, the next moment our ships were getting overwhelmed with warheads, their numbers too much for our point-defense systems to repel.