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Minimum requirements to make mods?

10.5k Xenotriver  7.2 years ago

I've decided to create some mods in future. I still have to download all software, and it's a bit of GBs. Because I have limited transfer (25GB on Wi-Fi and 5GB on cellular) I need to know if it's worth spending my internet on this. My PC can't run unity games (actually only textures are pink or black, but the game itself runs well) and I don't know if it won't affect my mods. So yeah, if you would tell me if it would actually work on:
6GB ram DDR2
Intel pentium Core 2 duo 2.4ghz
Integrated GPU 256MB Vram.

Note: when I run SP I see no water on low and pink water on high settings, and I see ground textures only far away from me. But I can run 1200 part plane with no problems.

I have some nasty ideas on mods, just I can't make them real...

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    10.5k Xenotriver

    @bigguns1234 I had my Steam version long time ago, but I think you have to go to Your game directory, and put the .spmod file into the mods folder. I don't really remember

    7.2 years ago
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    3,464 bigguns1234

    how do I add mods to my Mac? I just recently purchased SimplePlanes on steam. I was wondering if there is any way to add mods form the website to the steam version?

    7.2 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    @mushr0om everything is all right, only my GPU's shader model is 2.0... I may have to get an actual graphics card... Thanks for help!

    7.2 years ago
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    18.8k mushr0om
    Look up your models and see if they support that

    7.2 years ago
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    18.8k mushr0om

    The vram is kinda low, so running a lot of textures can be hard. the ram might be enough, but with a lot of stuff some might have to run on hard drive, which can be slow. Last, making mods isnt very easy. You are very limited if you dont know how to code.

    7.2 years ago