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Cold Blood, Ep 1|Mayday

2,117 CommanderSword  7.2 years ago

I'm doing a RP with SkullGuy43, and here is what started the war:
It was 1983, and a Sabarian pilot begins to board his I-5 and go on his routine patrol.
Pilot 1: "Mission control, this is Alpha 0 Niner, requesting permission to takeoff."
Mission Control: "Permission granted, clear the runway."
Pilot 1: "Roger that."
Five minutes later...
Pilot 1: Sector 4D, check, Sector 8D, che- wait... what is that?
TUF Soldier: Sir, an enemy aircraft was spotted 1,000 ft above our position.
TUF Captain: Shoot him down...
TUF Soldier: Yes sir.
Pilot 1: Mission control, do you copy? Mission Control!?
Mission Control: Roger that 09, I hear you loud and clear.
Pilot 1: I need immediate backup, an armed unidentified structure has opened fire!
Mission Control: Roger that, 06 and 07 have been dispatched to your position.
Pilot 1: Opening fire! I - AHHHH! (Static)
Mission Control: 0 niner, do you copy!?
Pilot 02: They're gonna pay for this...
Pilot 03: I'm opening fire!
Pilot 02: One cannon down!
Pilot 03: I'm hit! (Crashes into a tree)
Pilot 02: 07! (Drops napalm on the production facility) Ah, sweet, sweet revenge.
TUF Captain: You may have won this time, Sabaria, but you will crumble soon enough...

Sabaria: CommanderSword
TUF (The United Federation): SkullGuy43
The other options will be in the later RP's, so be patient.