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R-1000 Falcon - Progress so far

8,069 Ryn176  7.1 years ago

I know no one will care...
Wait...Well one or more user viewed this..


Also, i used Mushr0m's Smooth Designer, but somehow, when i screenshoted it, The game thinks it's nothing

Upvote this if you want to be tagged when I release it

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    8,069 Ryn176

    Thanks! @Awsomur I'll tag you too

    7.1 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @EternalDarkness I tried, but if it handles really well, then it will balance like you were running on a log (It's really hard to balance), but if it balances really well, then it would turn like a car that can only turn it's wheel 10 Degrees

    7.1 years ago
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    @Ryn176 I'm sure you'll manage to fix it somehow.

    7.1 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @Ryn176 It doesn't handle as mean as it should...

    7.1 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @EternalDarkness No, it's not finished, It's Jigglish, A little too slow, and lack of details currently, and thanks for the upvote, i'll tag you when i'm done with the plane
    (It starts to jiggle at 1040 MPH, i don't know why)

    7.1 years ago
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    You have the old version. I use the old version too, so that I don't have to turn it off when I want to post something using other backgrounds.
    The plane looks interesting. A bit simple, but interesting. I guess it's not done yet? I'd suggest fuselage wing covers, and adding details all over the plane.

    +1 7.1 years ago