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Ground testing map request.

297 BrendoB47  7.1 years ago

Hey mapmakers, I have something for you. Currently, without setting custom start locations and some luck, it is a little difficult to properly test ground vehicles/tanks. Also, the Proving Ground in Sky Park City seems too rigid and vehicles can easily get stuck on it. I need a tank/ground vehicle testing map that will feature terrain, non-responsive targets(like the destroyed tanks in the tutorial) and dynamic targets(like AA tanks.) Preferably, these would be in kind of separate areas with nearby spawns for each. If you guys want an idea of what I think good terrain would be for this, check out some multiplayer/campaign maps for the game Warzone 2100. Non-responsive targets could be in both shooting range style or search and destroy style. If anyone else has a comment or idea, say so. If you want this kind of thing too, say that. As of now, I don't have the time to do one of these myself and don't have mapmaking experience.