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Hidden Update????

2,986 FlyingNarwhal  7.0 years ago

So I just relaunched SP and noticed there is a new convoy out by Yeager airport directly behind the run way when you take off and the convoy consists of two WW2 Destroyers and a USS Tiny Two with flak and everything from the challenge ecept they dont get the saftey from jets and missiles so the annoying flak isnt really a problem any jet with 3 crruise missiles can defeat all 3 ships at a range surpassing the destoyers so... pretty easy I was just wondering if there is anything else the I just missed because My game says update but if I try it does nothing... so I cant read the update description and whats new.

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    I just ran the game with ground traffic set to none and they still appeared

    7.0 years ago
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    I do have ground traffic on but I've had 1.7 on for a while as well as ground traffic and this is totally new + I have an option to update the game even though it doesn't work @Aeroman77

    7.0 years ago