i honestly dont think it will be ever made. or atleast get out of the prototype stage. since really high costs in materials that wont break after mach 3 due to heat like we saw in the sr-71. the engines would likely be like the sr-71's. and to exceed that mach number of 3 - 4 youll need to redesign the canopy so it wont break at such high speeds. over all. just by it looks and specifications. it wont be made for atleast 50 years.
Yo çreo que si se puede hacer
i honestly dont think it will be ever made. or atleast get out of the prototype stage. since really high costs in materials that wont break after mach 3 due to heat like we saw in the sr-71. the engines would likely be like the sr-71's. and to exceed that mach number of 3 - 4 youll need to redesign the canopy so it wont break at such high speeds. over all. just by it looks and specifications. it wont be made for atleast 50 years.
Scramjet with supplementary rockets that can be used as 'afterburners'
This thing looks dope. To dope to be ever made XD