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10.8k MrTyTheGreat  7.1 years ago

The Falcon Heavy shall take to the skies for the first time. Or, I will explode. Hopefully not, but with 27 engines, (five less than the N1, which didn't work) I'll cross my fingers. Unfortunately, It launches when I'm in school. Heck.

If it doesn't explode, it will be the second most powerful successful rocket of all time.

But did the core stage land...?

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    10.8k MrTyTheGreat

    If it isn't delayed anymore, I should launch at 3:45 EST
    20:45 UTC

    7.0 years ago
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    10.8k MrTyTheGreat

    Some would say otherwise, but they're morons. Yeah, it's real!

    7.0 years ago