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27.7k Jetpackturtle  7.0 years ago

What a great challenge that was! MY next, the offroad challenge will be live in just a few days!
Here are the results for the OP challenge! Entries were exellent and I have had a ton of fun judging them all.

Helicopterboy's OP:
Speed: 17/25. Not bad for a little fighter.
Agility: 18/25. Roll is good, but it needs pitch work.
OP weapons: 22/25. The Cleavers are certainly extremely OP, but it could use some A/A weapons.
Detail/Looks: 15/25. A nice looking plane, but it could use some details.
Total: 72/100.
JohnnyBoythePilot's Black Shuck
Agility: 15/25. Pitch could use some work, but roll and stability are good.
Speed: 20/25. 1400 MPH is good by me!
OP weapons: 22/25. Nice missiles!
Detail: 20/25. I love the paint scheme and inlet detail.
Total: 77/100
Overall: A solid plane, but needs more agility.
xXMlg_swegXx's SN-001 "Death Knight"
Agility: 17/25. Needs work on pitch, but roll is good.
Speed: 18/25. 800 MPH is okay but XML could speed this thing up.
OP weapons: 21/25. Awesome guns and rockets, my only wish was that there were some missiles on here.
Detail/Looks: 21/25. Nice shape, it's pretty cool, and the floating miniguns are an awesome touch. Custom LG is cool too!
Total: 77/100
All around a solid plane, but could use some better handling features.
Juk1's XF Rigon
Speed: 15/25. 1000MPH is Ok... but not that great.
Agility: 12/25. As with other entries, this needs serious pitch work to be OP.
OP weapons: 5/25. These are stock weapons, nothing super OP here.
Detail/Looks: 18/25. I like the overall look.
Total: 60/100
All added up, it's a good looking fighter, but needs some XML modding and agility work.
daygus11's Peashooter Jet
I couldn't test this for some reason, SP doesn't like it.
PenguinPlane's OP entry
Speed: 23/25. Very nice speed for a jet its size.
Agility: 20/25. A little more OP pitch would be nice, but it is pretty good!
OP weapons: 24/25. LOVE these shotguns. I can take down anything with them.
Detail/Looks: 10/25. A better paintjob and more details would be appreciated.
Total: 77/100.
Overall a very OP plane! All it needs is better detail.
Tmach5's OP F-86 UBERSABRE
Speed: 18/25. 700 MPH is OK... but not super OP.
Agility: 23/25. Absolutely beautiful handling. Very nice.
OP weapons: 24/25. One point off because of lack of air/ground weapons.
Detail: 23/25. Just refine that cockpit!
All around a fantastic plane and a great entry.
Total: 88/100!
FGW2014's The Best Fighter Ever
Speed: 20/25. Nice speed for a plane its size.
Agility: 23/25. Very nice pitch!
OP weapons: 10/25. The gun's size is modded, but the damage appears not to be.
Detail/Looks: 21/25. Very nice style! How did you get the inlets that shape?
Total: 71/100
Overall: A very nice plane, but lacking the OPness in its weapons.
hopotumon's Commodo OP Equipment
Speed: 23/25. Very OP.
Agility: 24/25 Also, nice pitch and good control even under stalls and high speed.
OP weapons: 20/25. Nice laser and stuff, but no extreme damage.
Looks: 23/25.
TOTAL: 90/100
Botfinder's OP tactical AGS "Black Widow"
I could not test this due to the sheer amount of Cleavers. Sorry!
Azure2004's XA-3 BLADE
Speed: 25/25 Full marks, great speed. Faster than most entries at 25% throttle.
Agility: 25/25. Absolutley stunning pitch.
OP weapons: 25/25 Full marks once more!
Looks: 17/25. Nothing special in Looks, could use better paint and not have so oversized landing gear.
TOTAL: 92/100
diegoavion's Pambisito
Speed: 21/25. Pretty OP!
Agility/ 23/25. I would like better stability.
OP weapons: 24/25. I would like missiles too, but the current stuff is awesome!
Looks: 20/25. Pretty cool paintjob, but basic.
Total: 88/100
Newplanewhodis's Op Mustang
Speed: 10/20. Not up to par.
Agility: 15/20 Decent, but not OP.
OP weapons: 23/25. It's got almost everything!
Looks: 10/25.
TOTAL: 58/100
IanTheCuberGamer's ANT
Speed: 17/25. Not bad.
Agility: 20/25. Works good for a flying tube!
OP weapons: 20/25.
Looks: 21/25. Kewl shape dude!
TOTAL: 78/100
Razor3278's Project "Arrow" XAF 33
Speed: 13/25. Maxes at about 600-700, not quite fast enough to be OP.
Agility: 20/25. Nice all around.
OP weapons: 23/25. I love the missiles and guns, but I would have liked some air-to-ground missiles.
Looks: 24/25. Love all the detail but can't give you perfect marks because it can always get better.
All around a great looking plane, but speed is where it loses points.
TOTAL: 80/100
Matimodel45's OP Raton Escalondoso
Does not fit criteria well enough, too hard to fly.
Spefyjerbf's Axiom of Luxury
Speed: 23/25. Not bad, but not the best I've seen.
Agility: 23/25.
OP weapons: 24/25. Love the variety.
Looks: 25/25. Beautiful.
TOTAL: 95/100
Morgan2129's OP
Speed: 5/25. This is nowhere near OP, it's like a prop plane.
Agility: 5/25 I'm pretty sure you're using a gyro to turn, that's not effective at all.
OP weapons: 15/25. I'm pretty darn sure those cannons are from @spebyjerbf ships, so you get points off for that, but not too bad.
Looks: 10/25.
TOTAL: 35/100
Hopotumon's Commodo Light Trainer
Speed: 10/25
Agility: 15/25
OP weapons: 19/25
Looks: 24/25
Total: 68/100
GustoTheMagnificent's Project PEW 5.5
Speed: 23/25. Pretty OP, but it gets better:
Agility: 25/25. Absolutely EPIC downforce.
OP weapons: 23/25. No ground missiles, but that only gets 2 points off.
Looks: 24/25. I'd like just a teeeensy bit more detail.
TOTAL: 95/100.
Jbird's Death On wheels
Speed: 10/25
Agility: 15/25
OP weapons: 23/25
Looks: 15/25
Total: 63/100
Speed: 25/25
Agility: 25/25
OP weapons: 25/25
Looks: 23/25
TOTAL: 97/100
Minecrafteum's Gunapalloza
Speed: 20/25
Agility: 20/25
OP weapons: 15/25
Looks: 15/25
Total: 70/100
BionicDragonYT's Z-35 Quazar OP
Speed: 25/25
Agility: 22/25 (-3 for autoroll on low speed pitch)
OP weapons: 25/25
Looks: 20/25
TOTAL: 92/100
BestBot's Simplex Tacticool Missile Corvette
Speed: 25/25
Agility: 24/25
OP weapons: 25/25
Looks: 23/25
TOTAL: 97/100
DemoNn's De-9
Speed: 23/25
Agility: 25/25 (originally 20, +5 for VTOL)
OP weapons: 25/25
Looks: 20/25
TOTAL: 93/100


TMach5 and Bestbot get 1st place and 15 upvotes apiece
Spefyjerbf and GustoTheMagnificent get 2nd place and 10 upvotes apiece
DemoNn gets 3rd and 5 upvotes
Runner ups: (3 upvotes apiece)
Azure2004 and BionicDragonYT

Thank you all!!

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    7.0 years ago
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    @Minecrafteum Ah. Sorry, too late now. DarthAbhinav is doing the same challenge, except named the Grand Hyperplane Challenge. Maybe enter that!

    7.0 years ago
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    @Jetpackturtle, I forgot to tell you, ag 1 & 2 activate extra engines, I forgot to add that in, me silly

    7.0 years ago
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    @XxMlgSwegxX :(

    7.0 years ago
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    had a bad day and plus this. im scarred for life now :(

    7.0 years ago
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    @Newplanewhodis Yup :)

    7.0 years ago
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    1,649 daygus11

    i will make another version

    7.0 years ago
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    1,649 daygus11

    it is ok that my plane couldn't work

    7.0 years ago
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    @Helicopterboy Thanks!

    7.0 years ago
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    @BestBot Lol I'll try though :)

    7.0 years ago
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    868 BestBot

    Idk if I even have 15 planes posted. :)

    7.0 years ago
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    @BestBot @TMach5 I will start upvotes tomorrow!

    7.0 years ago
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    @DarthAbhinav Is it done?

    7.0 years ago
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    @Botfinder Probably cuz my puter is a potato

    7.0 years ago
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    @TMach5 @BestBot Np!

    7.0 years ago
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    868 BestBot

    @DemonN Look!

    7.0 years ago
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    868 BestBot


    7.0 years ago
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    114k TMach5

    Great challenge! Thanks for hosting it. @Jetpackturtle

    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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    7.0 years ago
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