I had this problem with my Foxbat. I cannot tell you WHY it happened, but I can tell you when. I would get ultra shiny surfaces when I scaled a part up too much, I think it was something like 5×1×14, maybe longer. All my attempts to 'fix' the part resulted in the shine returning later. In the end I had to throw the part out and substitute multiple smaller pieces. Good luck.
Can't download it now but, general problem:
Once you scale a piece with >= (greater than or equal to) 3, Unity screws up the reflections on that piece as a whole. It somehow manages to distort the piece's surface and, thus, its reflections. Doesn't matter whether the piece was painted with Gloss paint, it will automatically screw the reflections.
Only fix available is to:
1. For fuselages, do your quick mafs and adjust all dimensions by how much you need in the XMl file of the build
2. For wings... well, only thing you can do is split the bigger wing into multiple wings. Haven't seen this bug occur on pieces other than fuselages, though.
EDIT: Downloaded it and it's exactly the issue I predicted it would be.
@F104Deathtrap yeah, maybe by scaled parts. thanks man
I had this problem with my Foxbat. I cannot tell you WHY it happened, but I can tell you when. I would get ultra shiny surfaces when I scaled a part up too much, I think it was something like 5×1×14, maybe longer. All my attempts to 'fix' the part resulted in the shine returning later. In the end I had to throw the part out and substitute multiple smaller pieces. Good luck.
@Awsomur they aren't overlapping.
I'll try fixing tomorrow.
@Awsomur seems the scaled fuselage causes this.
@PhantomBladeCorp well then scaled parts do bad things,,,
alright thanks for telling. I'll try fixing
They’re overlapping.
Can't download it now but, general problem:
Once you scale a piece with >= (greater than or equal to) 3, Unity screws up the reflections on that piece as a whole. It somehow manages to distort the piece's surface and, thus, its reflections. Doesn't matter whether the piece was painted with Gloss paint, it will automatically screw the reflections.
Only fix available is to:
1. For fuselages, do your quick mafs and adjust all dimensions by how much you need in the XMl file of the build
2. For wings... well, only thing you can do is split the bigger wing into multiple wings. Haven't seen this bug occur on pieces other than fuselages, though.
EDIT: Downloaded it and it's exactly the issue I predicted it would be.
@phanps I've tried but it didn't work bro...
Sometimes it could be shadows, turn them off and restart level.
@Awsomur you mean parts aren't connected??
It’s because parts are no clipping each other.
@Carsong1017 no worry, thx man.
@Marine then I don't know. I'm on mobile, so I don't think my phone would survive running it. Sorry I couldn't help.
@Carsong1017 hmm,,, tried but couldn't fix.
Try turning aircraft reflections and shadows off.