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No Upvotes

682 SoulWarden  7.0 years ago

I am so confused why no one is up voting my work. It know they are no the best but still, they used to get at least 1?

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    10.8k MrTyTheGreat

    Simpleplanes has a steep learning curve. It's easy to play, but very hard to be good at. Try spending a few days, then a few weeks, and then a month or so on a plane. Go for details, appearance. That's what makes a good plane. Patience.

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    @Treadmill103 @Jengstrom Thanks for your help

    7.0 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    From looking at your profile, you seem to go for high output over high quality. If I try and build a plane that will get more upvotes, I spend at least a week on it, and have a lot of detail. Upload time can also be a factor. Watch for website activity, and upload when you think there may be a lot of people active. On my old account, it took me almost a year and a half to get to silver, so calm down. You'll be recognized in time.

    7.0 years ago