I'm XML manager for the Technion build team. I do most XMLing inside of that group, but I can give you some pointers.
First, install Overload and Fine Tuner.
FT is pretty straightforward, but Overload has a help guide.
Here's a link: cheatsheet
XML and Tuner do different jobs.
Tuner acutley changes a part's position, and also scales it's size.
XML, though tricky, can do almost anything: boost power of jets, make uber sticky tires, custom LG, and more.
If you're looking for functionality: XML
If you're looking for... well, looks: Fine Tuner.
I think it's even better to use them interchangeably, they really do help.
@DarthAbhinav Eh, everyone knows locktime and that crap.
@DarthAbhinav And I found your bulletScale hack XD
@DarthAbhinav lists lua scripting techniques to find XML props
= tripl OWNSAUCE
@DarthAbhinav thanks
@DarthAbhinav What do you mean?
@Jetpackturtle Where do you find the fine tuner?
@DarthAbhinav THANKS Just where to find them features
@DarthAbhinav o w n e d
I'm XML manager for the Technion build team. I do most XMLing inside of that group, but I can give you some pointers.
First, install Overload and Fine Tuner.
FT is pretty straightforward, but Overload has a help guide.
Here's a link:
XML and Tuner do different jobs.
Tuner acutley changes a part's position, and also scales it's size.
XML, though tricky, can do almost anything: boost power of jets, make uber sticky tires, custom LG, and more.
If you're looking for functionality: XML
If you're looking for... well, looks: Fine Tuner.
I think it's even better to use them interchangeably, they really do help.
@DarthAbhinav is your man. I can do a little bit, but nothing advanced.