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WHAT!?! More GeeBee Teasers Bro! 3 new models.

6,490 WhiteRabbit  7.0 years ago

GeeBee Regal R - a redesign and upgrade to the model R. Most would argue its an entirely new airframe (decently larger then the R) but GeeBee execs insist its made upon a R frame. Features a full custom cockpit (85 pieces) you will have to wait to see the cockpit. And Custom Folding Landing Gear.

GeeBee -Liberator-
Fully Featured military long range escort multirole fighter. Designed for extended range with drop tanks and Light Ground Attack with Escort and Fighter capabilities.

GeeBee Model R Ultra 2018
A Complete Rebuild of the Model R with modern capabilities. By far my best Sport Plane. Dimensions are more on par with a True Model R (no Chibi GeeBee here) Safer Take off and Much Easier Landing. Higher top Speed.

Next out in 2 or 3 days i believe will be the Regal R.