Today is the day my goat finally had her kids One is a male, one is a female
@Blue0Bull off-topic...
Well thankfully Jacobdaniel has very few forum posts that are off topic like this. @Rodrigo110
I think the off-topic tag is not meant to be exactly this off-topic. But anyway, it’s not a terrible post and it is quite interesting. The posts I really hate is when people are literally telling everyone about their day to day life. @Awsomur
Alright, whatever. But this is what the off-topic tag is for. @Rodrigo110
It’s just an occurrence that happens on farms quite often and doesn’t have anything to do with SimplePlanes. @Awsomur
@ACMECo1940 great names lol
This isn’t exactly a “minute minute of the day”. How often do you get to see new life come into the world? @Rodrigo110
Cool. I rarely see blacc goats in my place
George and Theo
@ThePrototype we are probably not going to name them that, My dad wants all of the male goats to have president names
I like that @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype I'm not good at naming either, My sister wants to name them Dibble and Dabble
I’m not very good at naming things, but maybe give them names of two things that go together @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype not yet, do you have a suggestion?
Have you named them? @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype thanks
Also, they are adorable
yup i hope so @Jacobdaniel
@DJ123 I love chickens, good luck
ok cool i am about to hatch chickens so hoping that goes well
@DJ123 ok
a bit random but cool (needs off topic tag)
@FastDan thanks
@Blue0Bull off-topic...
Well thankfully Jacobdaniel has very few forum posts that are off topic like this.
I think the off-topic tag is not meant to be exactly this off-topic. But anyway, it’s not a terrible post and it is quite interesting. The posts I really hate is when people are literally telling everyone about their day to day life. @Awsomur
Alright, whatever. But this is what the off-topic tag is for. @Rodrigo110
It’s just an occurrence that happens on farms quite often and doesn’t have anything to do with SimplePlanes. @Awsomur
@ACMECo1940 great names lol
This isn’t exactly a “minute minute of the day”. How often do you get to see new life come into the world?
Cool. I rarely see blacc goats in my place
George and Theo
@ThePrototype we are probably not going to name them that,
My dad wants all of the male goats to have president names
I like that @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype I'm not good at naming either,
My sister wants to name them Dibble and Dabble
I’m not very good at naming things, but maybe give them names of two things that go together @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype not yet, do you have a suggestion?
Have you named them? @Jacobdaniel
@ThePrototype thanks
Also, they are adorable
yup i hope so @Jacobdaniel
@DJ123 I love chickens, good luck
ok cool i am about to hatch chickens so hoping that goes well
@DJ123 ok
a bit random but cool
(needs off topic tag)
@FastDan thanks