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How do you make a challenge?

6,266 FlexNoTape  7.0 years ago

Hi I was wondering how to make a challenge .
I have seen that people have just made a post with just a cockpit. And I didn’t know if there is an easier way to have the aircraft in on folder etc.

I was thinking about doing an off-road challenge. I’d score different points for different categories. E.g. how good it look, speed, off-road ability, and maybe a few more and the vehicle to get most points wins.

What do you think of it and is there a different way to make a challenge?


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    @ACGspOfficial let's say a winner should receive ten upvotes. You go to ten of their builds, and upvote them. That's really all there is to it.

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness but People sometimes get Upvotes Then a Single one

    1.8 years ago
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    @ACGspOfficial by upvoting their builds.

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness but how do you Give Winners and Contestants Points?

    1.8 years ago
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    570 Maosulli


    2.1 years ago
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    @Caveman999 most common way of hosting are "successor challenges". You ask others to make their build a successor to the challenge post. That way you get a lot of points if the challenge is successful, but it's also a big responsibility. You have to invest a lot of work into the challenge to earn all the points it brings. My first successor challenge brought 6316 points, and I'm expecting even more from my current challenge.

    7.0 years ago
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    • step one: make sure you are competent. If you can't build a good entry for your own challenge, you can't rate entries on such a challenge;
    • step two: make a set of rules, requirements, and judging criteria. Write them down on an unlisted post, so you can just copy and paste them;
    • step three: make a build, 2D or 3D, that shows what the challenge is about and post it;
    • step four: edit the description of the challenge post to show all the rules, rewards, judging criteria...
    • step five: wait until the deadline you gave is up;
    • step six: rate entries and give rewards. It should take you two to three days, few hours a day for that.
    +3 7.0 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    How do they link it?

    7.0 years ago
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    @Caveman999 they can do that or they just say that they're in. Also they might just tag you in their build. I prefer when they link it as everyone can see what they are competing with.

    7.0 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    So do they just post link for there off-road vehicle in comments? @Minecraftpoweer

    7.0 years ago
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    you should make a background that is apropriate and looks nice as people dont want to join if it looks terrible.

    7.0 years ago