This is a Tri-Rotor helicopter made of if pistons and hinges, I think this might be a first in SP. the helicopter is controllable, but it’s underpowered and when trying to manuveur it loses altitude. The helicopter flys and I still need to make improvements. This will also fulfill my promise of a piston helicopter I made around a year ago, so what do you think? And do you have any questions?
Thanks and tag me in the post if you wouldn’t mind @randomusername
It’s nowhere near that, it’s very underpowered at 20 mph , also this is piston powered @randomusername
I’m on iOS, so no mods used @BACconcordepilot
Engines don’t work at full power, they are flawed, and I’m too far along to change them out @RailfanEthan
Is it powered by pistons or rotators? If it's pistons then you could get someone to .xml mod the speed a little more and it won't produce immediate torque like hinges and rotators
I thinking about adding a small set of wings to help improve lift due to the low power of the engines @LiftedCars @Awsomur
68 ft long 80-90 ft wingspan when rotors are spinning and 17 ft tall @Awsomur
I started this 2 days ago @LiftedCars
Yeah it’s huge @Awsomur
Look at the size of that thing!
I think it a great idea. I started my car almost 3 years ago, it just takes a lot of work.
Thanks @LiftedCars
@sexylips35 you might like this
@LiftedCars @alexchub1
@MrVaultech @Awsomur @FlyingThings