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A plane of my life on it's way!

50.5k 324  6.7 years ago

The time has come.

If i'd been asked about things that changed my life i would mention, in addition to others, this airlraft and a hamster(that is a topic for a separate post). It was together with me for nearly a half of my not very long life.
The HKAI /AT-97 aircraft was one of my first own designs. In fact, it was firstly created in Lego four years before SP was released and survived many iterations. Firstly built of basic fuselages, then made in Blender in three variants, and built in SP in many modifications, made as a papercraft and a plastic 3d print, it was a guideline for me for the two and a half years here. Firstly classified as a fighter, it then was given an attacker role and now it leaves a balance somewhere in between. But the main layout was never changed, except the big panels sideways - they will now be removed on some modifications to reduce drag.
So i started the project SPEAR to renew this airplane (again) and to give it a complete, well-made look. The first attempt didn't satishfy me in terms of proportions and layout, so i started it from blank. At first, a 40cm Lego model was built to test the layout, and here i was, finally, satishfyed. So i begin from that model to the new plane.
ALTR AT-97-9 HKAI-K. Comig soon.