Trying to build a destroyer ship, but I can't figure out what values to change for a higher damage, slower firing gun. Help?
Trying to build a destroyer ship, but I can't figure out what values to change for a higher damage, slower firing gun. Help?
Ok, thanks for the info!@EternalDarkness
@Hedero muzzle velocity is the velocity (speed) of the projectile at the moment when it leaves the barrel. I think it's in m/s on SP. Rate of fire regulates how many rounds your gun fires per minute.
Hey Ed. Sorry to bother you but I am editing a gun for my replica airplane and I am trying to make some characteristics of the gun realistic to the real thing. And one thing I can't seem to understand is the muzzle velocity in xml, does it mean rounds per minute or per second? Because when I apply the realistic velocity it seems inaccurate.@EternalDarkness
@EternalDarkness Almost finished anyways... ;)
@Aviationary can't wait to see what you'll make with this.
@EternalDarkness Figured it out just now. sorry :P
@Aviationary if you are thinking of using rocket pod for the gun ammo, just put a lot of them.
@Aviationary I told you that below. Set "burstCount" to "1", "timeBetweenBursts" to how often you want it to fire, and add a line "damage" and the amount of damage it should do. Also, set "rateOfFire" to around 30-35.
@EternalDarkness Or what attributes can I change on the wing gun to make it fire once, wait 3 seconds, then be able to fire again. It'll fire once but still show a burst animation.
@EternalDarkness but I want to take something like a rocket pod, increase the ammo count to 50. Is that what it essentially does?
@Aviationary there is a part "rocket" in the weapons list. Take a piece of fuselage, attach a few rockets on it, and nudge them inside so that their tips stick out.
@EternalDarkness so you can just take rockets and increase ammo? :\
@Aviationary you can't, as far as I know. You can make a custom one using single rockets. It also gives you far more options in terms of shape, rate of fire, design...
@EternalDarkness No problem. Do you know how to edit the ammocount on a rocket pod? I'm using Overload but it just gets rid of my value.
@Aviationary oh. Sorry then :)
@EternalDarkness I just didnt want to tag everyone. :)
@Aviationary no problem. Also, to tag someone (send him notification about your comment), put "@" in front of his username. Example: @Aviationary. I stumbled upon your reply by chance.
Thanks everyone.
Download Overload mod. It makes XML editing much easier. Then set "burstCount" to "1", timeBetweenBursts to how often you want it to fire, and add a line "damage" and the amount of damage it should do.
@Aviationary you should use overload mod instead of using the actual xml files as it is simpler (yes i know that overload edit's the xml files) but overload is faster and yaaa
@Oski These are the only lines I have.
<Part id="5" partType="Gun-1" position="0,2.358356,1.875" rotation="0,0,0" drag="0,0,0,0,0,0" materials="0">
<Gun.State ammoCount="200" burstCount="28" timeBetweenBursts="0.5" muzzleVelocity="800" roundsPerSecond="7" spread="1" activationGroup="0" />
Caliber doesn't do a thing. You have to modify damage and bulletSpeed values.