Here is my latest creation!
It's a cruise missile, designed, built and tested by Sajab Aerospace Defence Systems and operated by you! It has its own launch tube and booster rockets, as well as wings which fold outwards for flight, helping you stay in control as you hurtle towards the USS Beast at over 700mph, barely 50 feet above the surface of the ocean.
I have decided to name this missile after the Gannet seabird, as i have designed it with naval operations in mind. It can, however, be reliably operated from any land or sea based platform and if the storage tube and rocket launch vehicle are removed, it is ideal for air launches as well.
The missile is fully complete, I will upload it later today, when it will have better chances of being viewed by more people.
Basic Formatting:
# Text
## Text
[Text](Link URL)
For example,
[SimplePlanes Website](
creates a link to the SimplePlanes Website.Images:

For example,

will add the SimplePlanes Logo. This doesn't work in comments so I can't show here, but it works is it controlled? by flying it?
@SajabAerospace oh ok
Like this.
Or this.
@Lahoski107 put a hashtag followed by a space in front of the text you want to be blue. Like this:
# Highlighted Text
More hashtags make the text smaller.
## Smaller Highlighted Text
How do you make the font blue?