Try making something that you invest more time and effort into. Most of your uploads are other people's creations with very minor changes that rarely make them better. If you are using a mobile device then I suggest you try making a small prop driven plane, like a WW2 fighter or a racer or something. Do not bother with fuselage wings, first try making normal wings that look good.
If you start making your own planes from scratch I believe you will soon learn the game and get much better.
Thank you so much for the advice and I’ll try it@DerekSP
Try making something that you invest more time and effort into. Most of your uploads are other people's creations with very minor changes that rarely make them better. If you are using a mobile device then I suggest you try making a small prop driven plane, like a WW2 fighter or a racer or something. Do not bother with fuselage wings, first try making normal wings that look good.
If you start making your own planes from scratch I believe you will soon learn the game and get much better.