So I've been working on a plane for about 6-7 hours and when I loaded the map to fly it, every part disappeared on the plane except for a couple of parts and the cockpit. I tried restarting SP, but it didn't reappear, so I checked the xml file and I found that all the parts, except for the cockpit and 2 fuslage blocks, disappeared.
rip 6 hours :(
This was on the mobile version of SP btw^
@ACMECo1940 Nice timing lol
I was reading this and then the curb your enthusiasm theme came on
@BobTheTitanSP no problemo
@Minecraftpoweer THANK YOU! I didn't realize that there was an xml.bak file so I just converted it to xml and recovered the file. Thank you!!
@BobTheTitanSP ohh, sometimes it does a backup have you checked the back ups?
@Minecraftpoweer I did save it but the parts disappeared in the save file
didn't you save it?