Sooo... I'm currently trying to make this plane I build more realistic. That includes the Landing Gears. While i haven't got any problems with the main one, I'm struggling at the other one in the tail. Here's the optimized plane so far, with the other landing gear. In this picture you can also kind of see the real tail landing gear.
Is there anybody, that might be able to help me out?
@F104Deathtrap Well I tried many things, but failed at all of them ^^
@Thoum Make the wheel smaller? Retractable landing gear is always tricky because it has to look right, work right and fit right. No easy task. I still can't quite figure out how the MIG-23 gear fits in that tiny space.
@F104Deathtrap I know, otherwise the main one couldn't work... but I can't get it to work on the tail, that pretty much only the wheel is visible aswell as the "flap"
The key to making custom gear is "disable aircraft collisions." It's a feature that lets parts of your plane pass through each other. The easiest way to do it is to get the Overload mod from the mod section on this site. You're running windows, so it should be no trouble to get working. Mods like Overload and Finetuner will allow you to make things you never thought possible.
@Andrewtheplane So that I have only one wheel in the back and not two like in the normal landing gears
@Andrewtheplane Well maybe I wasn't clear enough ^^ I meant with an mechanism like the Main Gear
oh and could you tag me when you finish it pls.
here i got it
@Jetspeed1001 That was my problem too ^^ But thanks anyways :D
@Thoum i tried, but can't get it to work, sorry:/
@Jetspeed1001 Ok, cool! I failed with XML, because it was too tiny for me to make it work properly :D
@Thoum i can do it later if you want, i'll need to xml mod a rotator, which i can't do right now
@Thoum okay, i'll make it retract
@Jetspeed1001 Well I want it to retract it
I'm confused, what's wrong with it?