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Braking while engine on? Less fuel consumption? [XML]

164 XxLukeRZxX  7.0 years ago

I'm trying to make an exact, scale model of a plane, and I need two things:

  1. The engine to be powered on while braking.
  2. The prop engine (T1000) to use less fuel. (Can not increase fuel capacity/amount because this is a 1:1, exact, scale model with same aspects.)

I am very familiar with XML and can definitely do this, but what are the attribute names, if any? Ex. propellerCount, maxRpm, etc.

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    @XxLukeRZxX what you could do is have the engine with throttle governor on but automatic (i cant remember the name (default one)) pitch control. Then the engine can be activated by an AG

    7.0 years ago
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    @Feanor I believe there was a misunderstanding. Sorry about that.
    It's the same engine. There's a single nose-mounted prop. Can it possibly do both?

    7.0 years ago
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    146k Feanor

    Change the input of the engine to something like "Brake"? Or maybe give the engine an activation group with zeroOnDeactivate="false"
    As for the prop engine, reduce Example: min="0" max="1" input="Throttle" /> to min="0" max="0.5" input="Throttle" /> and increase <PropEngineAdvanced.State power

    +1 7.0 years ago