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List of Parts/Part Changes I'd love to see added - I want your opinions on them

3,690 LjSpike  9.5 years ago

1)Gyroscope - This is a sort of, automatic control (So like pitch, roll, but automatic!)

2)Advanced VTOL - This can point in any direction on the surface its from, so could do a full 360 degree turn, or even point itself away from the surface. It would also be a part that could be controlled by the gyroscope, so it could always point in X direction regardless of the planes rotation

3)Speed Limiter (This isnt as much a new part but a change to an existing one) because I like being able to change the angle of the blades on my propellors, its useful, but you have to either overspeed and explode, or you must have throttle govenor on, which I dont really want to have to do either.

4)Propellors or thrusters triggered by braking!

5)Extra Long Landing Gear (Even longer than long!)

6)2 Wheel Landing Gear (Takes more weight, has more friction, less springy)

7) Spitfire-Style inlets (for our historical planes!)

8) YET ANOTHER 2 PROPELLORS! Both with the joint to the body of the plane 1x1x1, one of them having an inlet fitted to it, the other being smooth like a fusilage nosecone!

9) 'Doors' - Now I know you can handmake these, but some nice simple doors, like I'd love a 1x2x1 door that opens similar to landing gear, and a 2x2x4 one as well. You could have settings to change how they open, so it could open at one side, both, at the 'top/front' or 'bottom/back' - This could make some fun passenger planes and some fun bombers!

10) CHANGING THICKNESSES OF WING! This could increase the fuel capacity of a wing, but also increase the drag of it!

11) Last but no least, EXTRA DECORATIONS! Like 'Windows' and such.

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    You can just do this with fugelauge blocks, hinges, resizable wheels, overload, and fine tuner, right???

    6.0 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @Eballaaa cool ideas, especially inverted action groups.

    9.5 years ago
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    311 Eballaaa

    Oh also, assignable VTOL engines - So you could assign nozzles to specific engines and that would allow you to turn off certain nozzles at certain times etc

    9.5 years ago
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    311 Eballaaa

    I would love to see rotating pylons, just to make swept wing planes an extra level of awesome! Trimmable flaps as control surfaces would be great as well. I'd also love inverting activation groups (ex - turning a control group could de-activate a part that would be on by default)

    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike
    @Shmexysmpilot yep. And antigravity engines
    9.5 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle
    Your gyro idea sounds similar to FBW (fly by wire). It's pretty much automated controls that respond to your plane doing certain things. For example, set your engine to throttle down when your plane reaches a certain speed. Or you could make an auto pilot, like throttle to 100% and pitch up and maintain 10 degrees, then level out once you reach 5,000 feet or something. Depending on how in depth the customizing of it goes, there could be things like guided missiles and other complex designs being made with it
    9.5 years ago
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    11.7k letsgofast11
    9.5 years ago
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    11.7k letsgofast11
    9.5 years ago
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    Ahem. Copy ahem
    9.5 years ago
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    27.4k JovianPat
    @LjSpike Nice, fits for big bombers or other crazy massive planes that the airport doesn't fit.
    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike
    @JovianPat as in the entire landing gear, suspension and wheels included. So 1 block longer than usual, so big props can be used.
    9.5 years ago
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    27.4k JovianPat
    @LjSpike Wow that's huge... how about its suspension?
    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike
    @JovianPat landing gear even longer would be 3 blocks high
    9.5 years ago
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    27.4k JovianPat
    Resizable wing thickness is nice for making huge planes, especially if the front edges are curved. And how long is the landing gear that you wanted? How about customized suspension height? XD
    9.5 years ago