As I was finishing the tank I'm building I thought why don't I make this amphibious? So I made folding propellers so when you wanted to set sail you could fold them out, so I wentt to test it out they came out fine they and they spun but they didn't give any movement, so I thought I should try and hide vtol in the tank that didn't cause any motion either, then I tried a jet engine and that didn't work. At that point I was thinking I'm doing something wrong, so I tried placing a jet engine on the outside of the tank and it worked, so I came to a realization that engines don't work in confined spaces., a change from previous versions of the game.
I'm talking about nudging if you don't understand me
Yeah I tried that here is the url
@TehDuck Does the tank have a cannon? Because the business end of that cannon can be an inlet.
Tried inlets couldn' hide them rpoperly enough to the games standards so I just decided to hide the engine on the outside.
I just uploaded it a little while ago ago @BACconcordepilot
I got the solution I'll make a tiny crack in the hull to trick the game