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Ramjets and possibly scramjets for a Jet Update

323 TopSecret2  9.5 years ago

Now many who will read this may not think much of what I'm going to say, but overall, the next update could, if not should include a new island very far away with enemy forces. This would be to make weapon use possible, and make it easier to implement more powerful engines like a ramjet and possibly a scramjet without getting to your destination in a matter of seconds. It just makes things more difficult if the maximum speed of aircraft is enhanced, as even the distance between Murphy and the south airport on the old island would be traversed in seconds, making reaction time to stop flying that fast more difficult to execute.

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    Why am I commenting this late- who knows. However, there is a massive limiting factor for extreme speed flight in real life: heat. Why don't they use heat to make extreme speed flight difficult to achieve, yet possible?

    4.6 years ago
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    47 Gorazd

    I think that the devs should introduce a new type of engine maybe even a ramjet. This is becouse the already existing engines are perhaps too versitile, yet can’t be used for some crazy projects without modding them. My point is there should be an engine that could be super fast but must have the aircraft desined around it or even better an engine with variable thrust, something like The works of the car engine combined with the fuselage intake. Or just add another engine to make the game more fun.

    7.0 years ago
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    I think you're missing the point. The fact here is with the modded engines that are flying around, we are going to need a very distant island to accommodate for engines that fly at Mach 15, like a scramjet. do you know how fast that is? going over 10000 mph won't make this game very challenging, don't you think?

    9.5 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    YES RAMJETS AND SCRAMJETS! Finally someone else understands!!!!

    9.5 years ago
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    9,187 LT556
    Robert Bussard invented an interstellar ramjet.
    9.5 years ago