How? Im trying to make my BT46B, but even the small rotator at 1,1,1 scale is huge. If I shrink it, it won't work.
How would I get a rotator scaled with Overload to work?
3,688 ThunderscreechEngineering
6.9 years ago
How? Im trying to make my BT46B, but even the small rotator at 1,1,1 scale is huge. If I shrink it, it won't work.
Watching all of my friends get platinum while I’m left in the dust XD @SSSvaSSa
When you scale it down it does get stuck VERY EASELY in other parts so i would suggest making it 0.5 scale on Everything and build what you want on it and then just select the rotator and anything on the rotator and nudge it in.