Just curious if anyone else has issues with airplanes pulling to the right on runways. I have had about every airplane I have built recently pull to the left. I have a HELP airplane on my account which is a prime example of this. I am also on PC and one Windows 8.1 (no comments about that please). I am using an xbox 360 controller (although same I have the same problem on just keyboard). I haven't tried this on android yet though. Also its probably just a red herring but I had the same issue with a boat on water but it was pulling to the left.
My theories
1. Simulated Prop pull
2. Simulated wind (I am running the "current weather" setting)
Nothing works
I know this is a year old but for anyone who doesn't want to move their engines because you are making a model plane you can just crank the sideways traction on your landing gear it fixed my issue
Yes but usually I can stop it by adding a tid bit of fual on the left side of the plane thenit goes straight