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(RP) A missile reentry spotted over inhabited areas

302 NewBohemia  7.0 years ago

Couple minutes after the beginning of March 29th, reports started coming in of what was thought was a large meteorite burning through the sky over New Bohemia.
All citizens were advised to take shelter and air raid sirens went off, sparkling panic among the inhabitants of the Bohemian capital.
The object was first spotted relatively close to the western horizon, only as a dot "slightly brighter than a star". It then continued overhead to east, increasing in brightness and drawing a flaming line through the sky as it was burning off.
It burned up in a massive explosion, shock wave of which was powerful enough to shatter windows.
After thorough investigation of photos and videos captured, theories started to form that the object was not of extraterrestrial origin.
Those theories were confirmed, when remains of a burned ICBM were found in the ocean, close to the Bohemian shore.
It is not yet confirmed who launched the missile, but it is very likely that it was a rouge missile that was heading towards the current combat front line, but was either faulty or jammed.

In other news, Bohemian Aerospace has just rolled out first prototype of what they hope will become air forces new nuclear bomber.
Development of this bomber has begun as a result of rising tensions within the close region.
The Principality of New Bohemia hopes that a mass-produced nuclear bomber will repel any possible attackers, keeping the current peace between New Bohemia and other nations.

The government, however, refused to comment on the recent scramble of fifty ground attack aircraft that later that day conducted a ferry flight to SimpleLandia, where they were refueled and continued to the front lines of the conflict between SimpleLandia and the Cobra rebel group.
The aircraft will be mostly assisting during attacks on fortified Cobra bases, while the SimpleLandian air force will be keeping other aircraft away.

- New Bohemia Times