A few months ago Deth were talking about how cool it would be to have a reachable simple moon for our space-type craft. Now with the addition of glorious night and a stunning moon, it seems perfect.
Just a small sphere with less gravity that you could land on and take off from without the complex order of operations seen in simple rockets.
@Wakescar call NASA for a free trial of the moon but we aren't paying for the rocket. Darn, that would be to good to be true, and why would NASA advertise that?
@Wakescar call NASA for a free trial of the moon but we aren't paying for the rocket. Darn, that would be to good to be true and why would NASA advertise that ugh
Or less.
And fingerprint still works on it, and even camera and microphones are protected! It only adds like 2 pounds af weight!
Man! That sucks. When you get a new iPad, get the Griffin Survivor case. I have the air 2 and it works brilliantly with it! It protects against drops from up to 6 feet! (Could Probably do more but I don't want to take a chance.) It's a heavy duty military case that's also Sandproof, wind proof, water resistant and dirt proof! Highly recommend! @Wakescar
@Rohan I'd actually been planning on postings a few projects this week that I'd been working on over the summer. Unfortunately that won't be happening. Last week my iPad was destroyed
at work! D: All prototypes with it!! D8 So I suppose I'll be out at least another month or two :( I hope to be able to start posting regularly again towards the end of November. I'm loving the new parts...
When do you come back?
AWESOMEEEEEEEskjdbkzxhjdosoajjd error 927-2 too excited about the idea...!
@Wakescar thank you very much. I really appreciate your kind words and your support. Popular or not, I like this idea a lot. Being able to launch from space and re-enter and land would be awesome.
I suppose I should include how much I am thoroughly enjoying the existing addition to the map. Love what the devs have done with the place. The staggeringly vast expansion of terrain is what prompted me to suggest this as a possibility at all.
@TheLatentImage Thanks man! Didn't turn out to be as popular of an idea as I had hoped. There is a lot of change happening in the simple world right now so I suppose interplanetary travel isn't really a priority. Lol. Congrats again on the red tag!
I don't think that this idea is out of the realm of posibilites. Perhaps have a third "island" in the sky. As our altitude increases the effects of gravity diminish. Then there is zero gravity, and as we approach the 3rd upside down island in the sky, we are pulled in by it's gravity. Technically it would be a challenge, but I think that it is doable. Depends on how the devs have set up the foundation of the code I suppose. Great idea though.