As of this post I’m on a train to Avignon from Paris. Paris was so fun, went to many historic places. I biked, went to museums, I also went to Versailles, and many other things. I still have a lot of time left in France, I can’t wait. Right now I’m looking out the window of this fast train and amazed at the beautiful French countryside. I would post a picture if I knew how. Any things I should do in Avignon? I’m staying at a nice resort. So since I’m in France, I want to do a French build. Anyone want to collab? I’d love too.
Let’s do a French aircraft collab and I’m taking a train to Avignon(France)
3,931 JackTheBestBoss
7.0 years ago
@JackTheBestBoss Okay.
Do you mean the, Arsenal VB 10 that was a French fighter aircraft developed during and shortly after World War II? I know a bit about it, like about how it has a wingspan of 50'10" and a length of 42' 7" that's also 17' 1".
Yeah, same, I Already left and went to London, then went back to The US, hmm, let’s do the prototype plane, the vb 10, look it up and feel free to research it @Colonel1J2R3Wolf
Wow no one replied, I can do a French Aircraft with you, what do you have in mind?