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(Help) How do u make fusilages get lift

1,421 Sam3232  9.5 years ago

I need help

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    1,421 Sam3232


    9.5 years ago
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    1,901 IceDragon416

    I am the leader of the Dragonsai empire.

    9.5 years ago
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    6,432 Me600
    for example, I am James McCool(fake name) and i run the Hoffman Enterprise, which is a private army simaler to Atlas in COD: Advanced Warfare
    9.5 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh
    @Sam3232 @chair A lot of people will make up stories about the different runways and airports and people will say one of the runways belongs to the "Imperial Jundroo Airforce" and that sort of thing. It doesn't exist in-game, but it is really fun to make up your own military and bomb the bad guys with your planes.
    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair
    Explain the empire thing @PuhBuhGuh
    9.5 years ago
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    1,421 Sam3232
    What's all this about "empires"
    9.5 years ago
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    1,421 Sam3232
    9.5 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh
    You can't make a fuselage have lift, people can, however, put the fuselage blocks on top of wings and completely cover them to make it look better.
    9.5 years ago