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Bohemian Airlines

302 NewBohemia  7.0 years ago

Bohemian Airlines are the national carrier of the Principality of New Bohemia. They are mainly focused on long-haul flights connecting the island of New Bohemia with other nations, but are also covering most of Bohemia's regional airports.

Czech Republic
Bohemian regional airports

Current fleet:
1x Airbus A380-800 - used for super long haul flights to Czech Republic
11x Il-96-400M
2x BA-91CLR - long range variant used as an executive jet
51x Dassault Mercure 100

Former fleet:
BA-91A - civilian conversion, used only in small amounts for a short time
BA-91C - replaced by Il-96

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    @Wahoo12 bruh

    4.2 years ago
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    19.5k ACMECo1940

    Thought this was the queen song

    +1 7.0 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Where is New Bohemia in relation to mainland Europe? Seitwälder mainland is just west of France as an island and would like to set up flights. Alternatively, you could send flights to Nordland, a territory to the general north/northeast of the UK.

    7.0 years ago