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Interesting discovery

4,509 Awesomeplanes  9.5 years ago

While I was using "what's in the box" I ended up shooting horizontally a little way to the left of the south runway, and after about 30-40 seconds, the new island appeared. I checked behind me and could just see the old island. I'm not quite sure if anyone else has found this yet, or if the why the devs put the two islands so far apart. Has anyone else discovered this too? You can cross the distance with enough fuel and pretty quickly in a fast enough aircraft.

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    I did too but I thought that I just went one round around the world :P

    9.4 years ago
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    9.5 years ago
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    @realluochen9999 I have used the now island, but I still like to use the old one as I am so familiar with it

    9.5 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @draymond just fly straight and a little right from the old south runway and vice versa with the new Murphy airport.

    +1 9.5 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    @draymond I have heard of the devs saying the next update will focus on places to fly.

    +1 9.5 years ago
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    9,187 LT556
    Only the Jundroo Islands and the Murphy islands. The islands aren't far apart.
    9.5 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation
    I have but there is no map on the phone so navigation is hard
    9.5 years ago
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    so you have never used the new locations?
    9.5 years ago
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    @draymond lol, you should just try a multi directional missile launcher with orbital cameras on it so you can check each one and they go
    9.5 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation
    I think they will put more islands in later updates but i havent found anything else out there and i looked for hours lol
    9.5 years ago
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    @draymond, I was pretty surprised at finding the two islands, and am seriously wondering why they are so far apart, and if there is any more islands hidden around. Maybe there is one in the direction the tiny sails
    9.5 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation
    Yes i did :) it was part of the update
    9.5 years ago