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Where do i put the engines

135 nightsquad12  6.9 years ago

So iam having problems with my jet where do i put the engine?? Do i put it in the sides,rear or front?

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    @EternalDarkness That's alot of information,also i made my first plane so yeah....

    6.9 years ago
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    Some of the problems you might be having are:

    1) CoM is too far forward. You can check CoM, CoL, and CoT positions in editor by pressing space, or by tapping the button in the top right corner and finding an option in the menu that pops out.

    2) Your landing gear might be too far back. It should be around a foot behind CoM.

    3) You might be lacking pitch authority. Elevators must be big enough to push the nose up and down at speed, but not too big. If they are too big, they stall and lose effectiveness.

    4) Maybe you don't have enough wing surface to fly at your desired speed.

    In case you can't find your way with CoM/CoL/CoT, here's a little explanation:

    CoM: Represented by red sphere, this is your center of mass. If you put a pin under that point, the plane will balance on it.

    CoL: Shown as blue sphere. This is the point of the plane that is trying to go up. It need to be behind the center of mass. If it overlaps the center of mass or is in front of it, your plane will be extremely unstable, often unflyable.

    CoT: Yellow sphere. This is where your thrust is pushing. Basically, combined output from all engines is observed as a vector pushing at that point. It needs to be in the middle of the plane, roughly at the same height as center of mass.

    I hope this was helpful.

    6.9 years ago
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    9,483 Razor3278

    @nightsquad12 maybe make the wings bigger to add more lift?

    6.9 years ago
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    @Razor3278 ok,i put an engine in it.But it does not want to lift off

    6.9 years ago
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    9,483 Razor3278

    It depends on your design. I suggest putting them at the back because well, jet engines are supposed to be in the back. Putting them at the sides works too, if you're building a twin engine plane.

    6.9 years ago