SO the turret is uploaded so what is my next post?
I have 2 ideas one of them might be harder.
1: An artilery that will have an accurate sight and if you aim it will ALLWAYS hit.
2: Pretty much an emp wich will be hard.
Teaser: the emp is not supposed to 'damage' the enemy so i will try to do kt by making 2 or more guns have + impact force and some - impact force to glitch the enemy??
@CaesiciusPlanes probably as i know how to make that one
@Chancey21 yes but the other one pushes wich idk what is going to happen but hopefully something good
Tractor beam
@CaesiciusPlanes Yes but not at the same time
@FOXLOVER How would that work? You can put the fox i made on the front of a plane because the logo doesn't weigh anything
A fox plane ! Pleas