So, poking around the XML files, I've noticed there are what appear to be drag settings:
Does anyone know if these are adjustable, and if so, how? I think it highly unrealistic that markings add a lot of drag to builds and wondered if there's a workaround to lowering the drag of details on a build...
Instead find where it says drag scale and adjust that to whatever you need.
Nevermind it doesn’t seem to be working right. @AndrewHamm
If you get the overload mod, there is a thing that says calculate drag, change that to false and it should stop recalculating.
And yes, the way my models glide like a brick while having real life weight, shape and wing area - makes me thing the game overestimates the drag.
The are not adjustble. Well, you can change the nimber, but each time you load a model - the game will recalculate it and change.
@Gestour, of course... I have my latest build just where I want it performance-wise, but the addition of markings is going to mess that up...
It's not adjustable. You can change the numbers, but they will change back.