Be sure to check out the forums for mods that were never officially posted! Go to more, click "mod" or "mod release", and go to all time highest rated! I've found about 10 mods that way, most of them are maps. 5 of them are available for Android!
Be sure to check out the forums for mods that were never officially posted! Go to more, click "mod" or "mod release", and go to all time highest rated! I've found about 10 mods that way, most of them are maps. 5 of them are available for Android!
@CarsonG1017 thanks! i'm gonna use it in a hyper-realistic Boeing 747-400
@ThePlaneBuilder1775 sure thing!
hey @CarsonG1017 i need help with XML modding. Could you get me some LandingGear hinged rotaters and a wing with a VTOL control surface?