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The Load Aircraft menu is boring.

27.4k JovianPat  9.4 years ago

We should be able to take a screenshot (as if you're about to upload a plane) but this time, the screenshot will be placed next to your aircraft's name. The Load Aircraft menu should be designed to look like the SP website, with aircraft thumbnails placed neatly on your screen, but don't cover the whole screen so you can still see the plane that you're building.

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    27.4k JovianPat

    @Shmexysmpilot The thumbnails can be chosen to be displayed or not from settings. A search option is also nice to have, in case of too many planes to look.

    9.4 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    I have so many planes, and I know them all by name. If thumbnails were put it it would either be too small to see or it would take up too much space and leave me scrolling for hours to find the bottom planes

    9.4 years ago